Blog: Karen Statham

Buff tailed bumblebee. Image by: Chris Gomersall/2020VISION.

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Baby in hide - Karen Statham

A Wilder Maternity Leave

Just a couple of weeks ago I was pushing the buggy round my local nature reserve. The same trip I’ve been making several times a week for several months on my maternity leave. I’d stop at the…

Cow silhouette - Peter Cairns/2020VISION

The five-letter V word

Following Veganuary, trustee Karen Statham explains why she turned to a plant-based diet but avoids the five-letter V word.

Souter Lighthouse - Karen Statham

My third week of 30 Days Wild

30 Days Wild is The Wildlife Trusts’ campaign which challenges people to do something wild every day for a month – the purpose is to make people feel more connected to the nature around them.

Red kites - Karen Statham

My second week of 30 Days Wild

30 Days Wild is The Wildlife Trusts’ campaign which challenges people to do something wild every day for a month – the purpose is to make people feel more connected to the nature around them.

Attenborough Reserve - Karen Statham

My first week of 30 Days Wild!

30 Days Wild is The Wildlife Trusts’ campaign which challenges people to do something wild every day for a month – the purpose is to make people feel more connected to the nature around them.

NWT logo

The Revolution WILL be Televised

I first considered writing a blog about young people’s increasing fears for the environment just after I’d attended a Parliamentary Reception in London. Hosted by The Wildlife Trusts, it enabled…