
Chequered skipper - Fergus Gill/2020VISION

Chequered skipper. Image by: Fergus Gill/2020VISION.


Become a member

NOTICE: Due to unexpected staffing issues it may take a little longer to process new memberships and adoptions at the moment, we're sorry for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience. Thank you.

Support local wildlife

Help us protect the wildlife and countryside you love... and discover the incredible natural world, right on your doorstep.

Choose your perfect membership to make a regular donation to Northumberland Wildlife Trust. You can choose to support us with individual, joint, family or family watch membership and you can give monthly or annually. It's quick, secure and easy.

Overseas Membership - Please note that due to postage costs we can only send physical membership packs to UK members. However, we are delighted to be able to offer a membership for an international address where we will send all correspondence by e-mail. This will include welcome e-mail, Roebuck magazine, What’s On guide and our Nature Reserve Guide. If this is a gift membership to an international address, please remember to include an e-mail address for the recipient – if you do not have this then all information will be e-mailed to the buyer.

Reflecting in nature - Matthew Roberts

Image by: Matthew Roberts


For one adult
FROM £3.00 A MONTH OR £36.00 A YEAR

Join now  Buy as gift

Wildlife Walks - Matthew Roberts

Image by: Matthew Roberts


For up to two adults
FROM £4.00 A MONTH OR £48.00 A YEAR

Join now  Buy as gift

Family bluebells - Tom Marshall

Image by: Tom Marshall


For up to two adults and four children
FROM £4.50 A MONTH OR £54.00 A YEAR

Join now  Buy as gift

Children pond dipping - Amy Lewis

Image by: Amy Lewis

Family Watch

For up to two adults and four children, includes Wildlife Watch
FROM £5.00 A MONTH OR £60.00 A YEAR

Join now  Buy as gift

Children with magnifying glass - Matthew Roberts

Image by: Matthew Roberts

Wildlife Watch

For up to four children
FROM £20.00 A YEAR

Join now  Buy as gift

If you have recently received a subscription renewal letter, and wish to renew your membership by debit/credit card, please click the button below.

Renew your membership

Joining your local Trust is one of the most important things you can do to make sure the species and habitats we love will be there for future generations to enjoy.
Sir David Attenborough
President Emeritus of the Wildlife Trusts

Why should I join?

Every single person who joins makes a vital difference..

Badger - Andrew Parkinson/2020VISION

Badger. Image by: Andrew Parkinson/2020VISION.

Protect local wildlife and habitats

You will protect native wildlife and habitats in this region

Coast Care group

Join forces with like-minded people

You will join a growing band of 13,000 local people who already support our work

Family birdwatching - Guy Edwardes/2020VISION

Image by: Guy Edwardes/2020VISION.

Get closer to nature

You will enjoy lots of chances to get closer to nature - events, activities, practical ideas and things to spot

Hauxley WDC meadow - Simon Greener

Hauxley Wildlife Discovery Centre. Image by: Simon Greener.

Member benefits and communications

You will receive a fantastic membership pack including Roebuck, our Trust magazine, and our popular Nature Reserves guide

You'll be making a real contribution to saving nature and special wildlife places locally

Wildlife Watch banner

Wildlife Watch is the junior branch of The Wildlife Trusts and the UK’s leading environmental action club for kids. If you care about nature and the environment and want to explore your local wildlife, this is the club for YOU!

You can join as a whole family, or purchase Watch memberships for only £20 annually, which covers up to four children at one address.

If you join Wildlife Watch as a member you'll get all sorts of exciting wildlife goodies throughout the year. This includes four issues of Wildlife Watch magazines, as well as posters, stickers, activity books and more. You can also take part in one of our Wildlife Watch award schemes.

Best of all, by becoming a member you will be helping to protect your local wildlife. Fantastic!

Become a member

We also have a really wild website which sends out a monthly e-newsletter full of wild ideas and nature-spotting tips. And the very best thing about Wildlife Watch is that you’ll be helping Northumberland Wildlife Trust to care for the wildlife where you live! Isn’t that great?

Membership enquiries
(0191) 284 6884

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