Avian Flu Update

Avian Flu Update

We are experiencing large numbers of dead birds on our nature reserves as a result of bird flu.

Defra advice is to avoid contact with dead birds and that, outside breeding colonies, the chance of transmission from carcasses is limited. However, in areas with high concentrations of dead birds, we are endeavouring to remove these where it safe to do so.   

Staff will be following guidelines on health and safety at all times and carcasses that are collected will be disposed of in accordance with the law.

What you can do to help:

·       Do not pick up or touch sick birds

·       Do not touch dead birds

·       Do not touch bird feathers or surfaces contaminated with bird droppings

·       Keep to the footpaths

·       Keep dogs away from dead or sick birds


Peter Cairns/2020VISION

Image by Peter Cairns/2020VISION